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Elevate Your Health, Maximize Your Potential. Introducing Defined Lifestyle, the cornerstone for those ready to enhance their physical and mental performance. Based in Los Angeles, our program is rooted in the essential pillars of wellness: Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Stress Management, meticulously designed by industry veteran Lauren Cashatt.

Affiliates & Certifications

If it’s challenging, do it again.

About Lauren Cashatt

Embark on a Strategic Path to Well-being.

Lauren isn’t just another fitness coach; she’s a wellness strategist dedicated to extracting your full potential through a no-nonsense, results-oriented approach. Drawing from years of experience, her methods are straightforward, focused, and designed to integrate seamlessly into the fabric of your daily life.

Unlock Real Results: Discover how Lauren’s distinctive blend of discipline and personalized wellness planning can propel you toward your health goals.

our Services

Direct Solutions for Comprehensive Results:

Personal Training & Coaching:

Discover personalized programs that cut to the heart of what works, tailored specifically to your body and goals.

In Person & Virtual Coaching Plans: Access Lauren’s expertise and structured accountability anywhere, ensuring your journey continues, no matter where you are.

Wellness Supplements: Complement your regimen with top-tier, scientifically supported supplements that bridge the gap between nutrition and peak performance.

Invest in Yourself: Explore our services and find the precise tools to catalyze your transformation.

For Your Well-Being

Step Into a Lifestyle Geared for High Achievers.

Move beyond short-term fixes into sustainable, life-enhancing practices. Under Lauren’s guidance, adopt a holistic approach to health, setting new standards for what you can achieve physically and mentally.









Your New Chapter Starts Now.

Reach out to initiate your personalized journey toward top-tier health and well-being. Lauren Cashatt and the Defined Lifestyle team are committed to guiding you every step of the way.

Engage with Lauren