Get To Know Lauren

With over 16 years of experience in the health and fitness industry, Lauren is a seasoned veteran dedicated to helping individuals from all walks of life achieve their wellness goals. Her journey began with a passion for dance and an early diagnosis of scoliosis, which led her to discover the transformative power of weightlifting and strength training. Through dedication and perseverance, Lauren not only improved her dance skills but also found relief from scoliosis discomfort and improved her posture and movement abilities.

Driven by a thirst for adventure, Lauren’s interests expanded beyond dance to include motorcycle stunts and roller derby, earning her the nickname ‘Lil’BitCrazy’. These hobbies soon landed her in Hollywood with a career blooming in stunt work. Simultaneously her true calling emerged in the form of personal training. Balancing her love for extreme sports with a newfound passion for helping others, Lauren transitioned into a successful career in health and fitness.

At the forefront of her career, Lauren has demonstrated exceptional leadership as a coach and manager at Equinox, while also serving as an educator and retreat host. Alongside her friend Katie, a psychologist, she co-founded Re4m Life, a company dedicated to holistic wellness retreats focusing on nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management.

In 2022, Lauren founded The Million Mile Project, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit aimed at supporting individuals in recovery from Substance Use Disorder by providing access to proper treatment and post-treatment mentorship. Through this initiative, Lauren the MMP team extends a supportive hand to individuals, meeting them at their current stage and illuminating the transformative potential of aligning lifestyle habits with personal goals for a life of sobriety.

Lauren’s approach to coaching is characterized by passion, empathy, and practicality. Whether you’re grappling with excuses, fear, or lifestyle challenges, Lauren is committed to guiding you towards your fullest potential. With her expertise, she’ll simplify your path to success and offer tailored solutions to help you overcome obstacles and reach your health and fitness aspirations.

Join Lauren on a journey to wellness, where excuses fade, doubts dissolve, and the path to your best self becomes clearer.

Imagine a life where you’re at your absolute best physically, mentally, and emotionally.

“Nothing Is Impossible. The Word Itself Says ‘I’m Possible!” – Audrey Hepburn

Lets Figure It out

Your goals, challenges, and dreams are unique. I’m here to help assess, understand, and create a personalized plan that resonates with your life.

Let’s connect, so you can begin defining the lifestyle you desire.

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